Victims Services

At Dune Health and Wellbeing  we provide psychological support to clients who have been victims of crimes perpetrated against them at any point in their lives.

In NSW, the Department of Communities and Justices, has a Victims Services support scheme which includes the provision of counselling. 

Counselling through Victims Services is intended to help individuals recover from the psychological and emotional impacts of a crime.

For approved applications Victims Services may offer up to 22 hours of free counselling. 

Once the allocation is used, further hours can be approved where exceptional reasons are evident, or the applicant was a victim of child sexual assault or child abuse.

At DHW our warm, friendly and empathetic clinicians have extensive experience working with a diversity of traumatic experiences as well as the symptoms (e.g., anxiety) and diagnoses (e.g., PTSD) that may result from those experiences. 

We develop individualised treatment plans for each clients to ensure that we use evidence-based approaches to help them heal, move forward and thrive. 

More information about Victims Services counselling can be found here:

At DHW Victims Services counselling is provided by Olivia Orru. Click their names to see their profiles.

Book your first appointment today and start your healing journey.