About Us

Who We Are

Dune Health and Wellbeing provides mental health services to children, adolescents, adults, senior, couples and families in Australia. We are passionate about providing inclusive services to diverse and multi-cultural clients with a strong focus on socially and culturally competent care. 

We specialise in helping people to thrive and live full lives. To do this, we use evidence-based clinical interventions and engage a multidisciplinary approach to support various mental health concerns.

We also provide Individual and Group Clinical Supervision, Mental Health First Aid training and Culturally Safe Mental Health consulting for health and wellbeing practitioners, professionals and organisations.

Our Clinical Team

Dr Jeanette Van Luyn

Clinical Psychologist | Clinical Team Lead

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Rashneel Prasad

Registered Counsellor

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Jasmyne Lennox

Accredited Mental Health Social Worker

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Ashleigh Wu

Provisional Psychologist

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Jessica Fou

Registered Psychologist

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Sophie Panozzo

Sophie Panozzo

Registered Psychologist

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Meagan Rose

Mental Health Dietitian

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Olivia Orru

Registered Counsellor

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Helen Ly

Registered Counsellor

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Natasha Hussein

Registered Psychologist

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Hilal Bozkurt

Registered Psychologist

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Sarah Kheir

Provisional Psychologist | Partnerships Coordinator

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Dr Tinashe Dune

Dr Tinashe Dune

Director | Senior Clinical Psychologist | Board Approved Psychologist Supervisor

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We're Always Hiring!

Are you a psychologist, counsellor or social worker looking to work in a culturally safe, socially conscious and positive culture practice?

Do you enjoy working with clients and colleagues from a vast diversity of backgrounds and experiences? And with clients with diverse presentations?

Are your looking for subsidised professional development opportunities and/or in-house supervision?

Join us at Dune Health and Wellbeing Pty Ltd - a growing multidisciplinary mental health practice with a focus on providing culturally competent and inclusive care to its clients. Our vision is to provide holistic evidence-based health care for clients across Australia. We encourage clients and practitioners to collaborate towards long lasting health and wellbeing outcomes. 

Email us your CV and a cover letter today! We are in need of:

Clinical Psychologists, Clinical Psychology Registrars, Registered Psychologists, Mental Health Social Workers & Level 3 / Clinical Level Counsellors

How DHW Clinicians are Different

At DHW, helping clients and clinicians to track client success and help clients maintain long term change is important to us. To do so we utilise a number of strategies. Below are just a few:

The Strength of Evidence

Before your first session and every few sessions thereafter we send clients surveys to complete to monitor their experiences and changes. In addition to the information gathered in our therapeutic sessions with you, these surveys help us to collaborate with you to determine the best next steps in your mental health journey. While we base interventions on evidence-based modalities of therapy and practice we adapt and change gears (slow down, speed up or change tack) where necessary to ensure that the therapy you are receiving is aligned with your long term goals and present needs.

Collaborative Care

To make sure that all your health providers are on the same page we share a short summary of your survey data and progress and/or experiences with only those who you nominate and consent to receive that information. We also send you a copy of any communications we share with any other parties (ie., your nominated general practitioner, NDIS plan manager, paediatrician, psychiatrist, social worker, physiotherapist, insurer, etc.) so you always have access to key documents whenever you need them.

Therapy in Between Therapy

A special feature of our therapy is keeping therapy going in between sessions. We often asks clients what kind of therapy they have done previously and many reply that they were not sure or can't really remember the techniques or strategies that were used to help them work through their mental health concerns. At DHW we ensure this confusion does not occur. How? Well, after your first session, you will receive a personalised email from your clinician clearly indicating what type of therapy would work best for your presenting concerns. This ensures that you are clear on what therapy type we are using as well as being provided with information about that therapy modality and the type/s of concerns you are having. If the therapeutic mode changes, in collaboration with your clinician, you will recieve an email indicating what the new therapy modality is and how it can help you work through particular challenges or experiences.

Further, afer each therapy session, your clinician will send you a short email (or text - whichever you prefer) after each and every therapy session you have with us to highlight key points, next steps or 'homework' that we have developed with you in sessions. This helps you to keep up the momentum gained within therapy as well as review and revisit any 'key points' that you feel you need to work on more or discuss again in subsequent sessions. Clients indicate that these personalised and context-specific emails/texts are a standout feature of psychology at DHW and have been central to helping them maintain long term wellbeing as they could always return to those key points. This means that well after you decide to take a therapeutic break or move on from regular therapy you can continue to work on central strategies that have helped you get and/or feel better long term. Finally, these emails/texts help you to understand, describe and process your experiences in between therapy on your own or with other support people in your life. 

Unlimited Therapy

Given the restrictions and limitations of Medicare subsidised sessions it can be hard to maintain therapeutic momentum and have the time to dig deep into issues that may have caused you difficulties for months, years or even decades. To support clients towards long term and continuous care we have a robust team of Provisional Psychologists who provide therapy at a reduced rate and with the additional benefits of being supervised by senior psychologists with other 50 years culmulative experience. With a provisional psychologist you get the experience of many, all the above special care aspects as well as being able to see a therapist as often and for as long as you need (or want to). 

Healing Together

At DHW we also offer group therapy sessions which most Medicare holders have access to but never use! Medicare offers each individual 10 group therapy sessions which you can use at DHW within our Dialectical Behaviour Therapy groups. This supports clients to continue the momentum of therapy even after, or in between, their individual therapy sessions. Group therapy is an evidence-based intervention that draws on our need for social connection and understanding through shared experiences and clear strategies for healing. In addition to Dialectical Behaviour Therapy groups, we look forward to offering other group therapy modalities including Mental Health Yoga, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, Narrative Therapy and even Group EMDR in the near future. 

Our Client Support Team

Dr Nifemi Chibuogwu

Operations Manager

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Christina Nguyen

Client Engagement Manager

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William Tang

Client Engagement Officer

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Julienne Sabijon

Client Engagement Officer

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Daisy Dai

Client Engagement Officer (Placement)

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Martin Nguyen

Client Engagement & Social Media Officer

Jariya Vongsaykham

Client Engagement Officer

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Daisy Dai

Client Engagement Officer (Placement)

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Martin Nguyen

Client Engagement & Social Media Officer

Are You Ready to Thrive and Live a More Fulfilling Life? 

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